“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” This African proverb goes well with concept of co-working.The path of a start-up/entrepreneur usually turns out to be quite long and lonely, especially when you’re starting everything from the ground zero; that too all by yourself. It’s a tough, lonely journey which can get real demotivating at times and have much negative effects on your mindset as a business owner. Now the real fact today is that not a lot of people realize or anticipate the evolutionary processes of entrepreneurship and the unique obstacles they may encounter. So, being cooped up in a bedroom office all day by yourself with your own problems can be very much of what we term as professional haunting. An extremely effective and efficient way of avoiding this is to go for an area in a co-working space.While you look out for such a space, your mind starts looking for answers to concerns like will a co-working workspace turn out to be my dream workplace? Will these co-working spaces benefit my business? Does co-working solve workplace related requirement and obstacles?? Can these co-working spaces help in improving productivity and achieve business goals?
Well, the answer is yes. How? Following are the benefiting insights which helps to understand co-working workspace concepts and helps you in fulfill your dream workplace be true.

Affordable workspace: For a Start-up/Buzzing Entrepreneur, every single penny saved is a boon as it can be reinvested back in the business. Co-working spaces, which charge a basic membership fee, mean substantial savings over traditional workspace. These spaces turn out to be ideal place for start-ups, freelancers, business travelers and solo entrepreneurs.Superior Workspace & location: Because of affordable co-working space, you can easily get one in a posh locality which you always dreamed of. Executive office suites, which are similar to co-working spaces, charge a membership fee and can provide access to expensive, in-demand spaces in prime areas that new small businesses otherwise could not have afforded.Complimentary amenities: Rent out a traditional workspace and you find yourself occupied with a long list of non-productive to-do things like paying electricity bills, paying for your utilities, keep track of your Wi-fi and the list goes on!! With co-working spaces, amenities like Wi-Fi, electricity, water, printers, projector/screen, 24*7 professional security, lockers/document storage, pantry etc., usually come complimentary or chargeable at minimal price which is included in your membership.

Flexibility & Scalability: With co-working spaces, you have a choice to decide whether you can go with hourly, daily or monthly basis workspace and pay for space which you are actually using. Since you usually pay a monthly or daily membership for a shared workspace you can choose to upgrade or downgrade plans at any time. You can book for only the required size of workspace depending if your business expands or contracts.Networking: Networking opportunity is a core value of co-working. With an open floor plan and events for mingling, co-working spaces allow for easy networking. You get to meet brilliant entrepreneurs who can help you with their valuable experiences to strategize your business ahead. It also allows you to learn about all the other businesses in the room through conversations. And you never know – the person at the desk beside you could turn out to be a future investor or business partner.Enhance Productivity: In a co-working space, you work more productively by surrounding yourself with others hard at work. Co-working Spaces are specifically designed to emit positive vibes and experience sharing, adding to creation of a conducive environment that propagates positive motivations amongst coworkers. Discussions on wide range of topics and informal meetings often generates new ideas and innovation, and ultimately enhances you chances to succeed in your business and make it large.Say No to Isolation: A cure for start-up loneliness, it is one of the major benefits you’ll get while working at a co-working space. For a solo entrepreneur, domestic distractions and loneliness often adversely affect their efficiency and many a times tend to become a major de-motivating factor for start-up. Working out from a co-working/shared workspace surely wears away your isolation blues and you would always find yourself in the groove giving you best efforts at work.Appropriate Meeting Spaces: Many times you need meeting rooms, conference rooms etc., for discussing confidential matters which cannot be done in open space. Here too, co-working space comes to your help with enclosed spaces on hourly basis.Cost effective support staff: Most co-working spaces have staff to help members for administrative works for free or on minimal cost or on a pay-per-task basis. You can pick and choose the services and pay for what you use rather than taking an additional liability of a full time support staff.Fast setup: From the above co-working features you can well understand how easy it is to set your business with a co-working space. Here you get cheaper workspace in good location with free amenities, flexible working hours, pay as per usages, professional network with fresh ideas, good resources…….. What else do you need for a fast setup?
Now comes the Big question….Does these kind of co-working workspace exist in India??? And how anyone can find such places easily??To answer the above with a few examples, in Mumbai we have 91 Springboards, Bombay Connect, Cobalt BLR, Jagaa, Our First Office, 9JCM, Cowork café etc.These dispersed coworking centers though need a focal point from where they can be examined. OfficingNow brings to India a one stop hub that allows start-ups/entrepreneurs to reach out and search for such co-working spaces at their desired locations. A quick registration as a Space seeker and you can browse through the entire array of co-working spaces listed with us. Pick up the workspace with services you need and choose the one that fits you best.
Excellent and highly educative info towards flexible workspaces!..
Good article.. but often the cost of coworking space is expensive [ > 10,000 – 15,000 / m in western mumbai ] on a seat basis. For a team of 3-5; this cost is prohibitive.. Also, places like Regus etc dont make sense for a start up guy.. The real market lies in providing budget spaces with basic amenities. suhas katti.
Thank You Suhas for your views.
Often both users and providers of spaces miss the difference between a co working space and business centers. The terms are used interchangeably but actually these are quite different. The essential differentiating factor is about the networking and community working. Truly co-working spaces, not only allow, but actually promote community interaction and facilitate networking.
Secondly, since budget is an important deciding factor, there actually exist a much wider range of pricing in the market than is normally assumed. The market often operates in inefficient information sharing level which leads to many of options (including one at lower prices) remaining undiscovered.
OfficingNow endeavours to educate space seekers and reduce inefficiencies in information availability by providing a platform that enables search, evaluation, transaction and sharing of views between flexible working community stakeholders.
Hi! The article was nice & refreshing to nurture new concepts of working & inclusiveness. Although the coworking culture existed earlier also but mostly was limited to Metro cities only. Now with the economy & growth prospects rapidly changing in India….any economic , cost effective model helping the business to grow is always welcome. I am pretty sure this coworking workspace culture will spread up to many other A & B grade cities very soon. It should be a boon for the new entrepreneurs/ startups. My only advice to you guys would be to make it affordable & thereby competitive as I know that this venture is also a start up for you. My all best wishes for your future endeavour.