“People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” – Steve JobsModern Technology
Technology is perhaps the most positive development of recent times. It has not only convenienced humankind, but has also contributed to the prevention of global warming. How? By minimising the use of paper. Internet and technology have enabled most organisations to become paperless. This has cut down the cost of stationery, therefore also impacting the profits.The freedom of procuring information online and the convenience of sharing knowledge with clients, co-workers and society – again online – have made a “fixed office” redundant.
And that gave rise to the idea of “work from home”. Or from anywhere for that matter. Workers don’t need to carry ledgers, manuals and fat reports anymore. The office libraries and store rooms are becoming passé because any information, reference, literature, images and video clips are all available at just a click. Apple, Google, Facebook, Fidelity, Cisco, etc. are a few names that support and promote flexible working.

Technology Office Spaces and Sharing Of Spaces
Although working from home or a coffee shop “unfixed” the office from the worker and gave the luxury of flexible working, it also allowed laziness and indiscipline to seep in. The awareness that nobody is watching, plus the distractions that a home or a coffee shop would normally hold, adversely impacts productivity. Also, home is where one is most comfortable. This excess comfort is not good, particularly when there is a deadline to meet or a deal to crack.With technology already supporting flexible working, all you really need is a designated flexible workspace which houses all facilities according to your work requirements. And serviced co-working workspaces or business centers is the precise solution!A serviced workspace “unfixes” you from your regular office, and provides a flexible yet professional work environment – away from the office but having ambience and facilities like your own corporate office. It is the best blend of flexibility and discipline – it gives you the freedom to work when you want to (flexi-timing) along with all the amenities of a professional workspace like reliable internet connection, different workstation facilities, logistics to use your gadgets, and security.Another reason why co-working workspace is becoming so popular is because of its multicultural ambience. People from different backgrounds work here, instilling a sense of community. There are better chances of interactions and collaborations. This adds perspective and promotes team development.
Technology & Collaboration
So, the credit for envisioning and creating such a cool workspace should really go to technology. Cloud based technologies and faster data access through high speed 3G and, now, 4G networks allows you to access and work on your data even when you are not in your office. Ever improving mobile technologies and devices allow you to work on smart and small devices, thus saving you the trouble of carrying bulky laptops. High end and collaborative applications like Skype, Go To Meetings, Arkadin call conferencing, Zoom Meetings, etc., facilitate meetings and collaborative working at short notices between remote teams. It works really well for business travelers who travel to different cities to promote their organization and build business.Technology may have intruded our lives, but it also has made possible a very convenient and productive way to work. And co-working workspaces are not just in your city or only for employees who sign-up for a flexible workspace, but also for entrepreneurs, home workers and freelancers who are looking for an economical and well managed office space for rent.

OfficingNow New Age Tech Marketplace for Your Officing Needs
OfficingNow leads in leveraging technology in an innovative yet customer friendly way to bring to you professionally inspiring co-working & flexible workspaces that will have all the boxes on your checklist covered. With their user friendly mobile app and e-commerce portal and with presence in cities all over India, you have the option of choosing a workspace ranging from team offices, training halls, conference/video conference rooms, call-center spaces, executive offices, business lounges, hot desks and corporate guest house. They also offer instant booking services to take care of your sudden change in plans.