Marketing does not end merely after your product or service is delivered to the customer. Once the brand is established, you don't stop there. It is absolutely essential to adopt the necessary marketing strategy to build and sustain your business.
The Co-working industry, has been growing as the demand for convenient and flexible work spaces is on the rise. This sector has now become one of the greatest targets for entrepreneurial pursuits. The competition here is growing each day and you need to have an edge over those who offer the same service as you do. This is where effective formation and use of your marketing strategies come in.In order to make your venture successful, you need to build awareness and curiosity around it, and be visible among your competitors. It is essential to have a USP which makes your brand stand out, but what is more important is communicating the same to your target market in ways more than one.
Digital Marketing
In the digital era, where companies strive for a positive online presence, the usage of SEO helps to gain the objective of ranking high in the search results page of search engines like Google. This increases the traffic to one's website. Hence it only makes sense to formulate strategies that make this happen optimally, allocating a budget to digital marketing.
While most of the small co-working spaces are taking the plunge with Google Ad words for lead generation, using Local SEO is more feasible for them. With Google My Business, your business will appear on the Google Maps application or website. It will save you a lot of money in the long run. Local Search engine optimisation hits the target market, making sure that the service reaches those in need of it. Also, if your strategy works well, your business will have a dominating presence over the others in local search results and directories.
If you are looking to increase your web presence, being visible to your target market and at the same time reducing your costs, list your inventories with OfficingNow.
Large co- working spaces with more funds, comprising of multiple centers should start off with Search engine Advertising and then move on to Display Advertising.

Search Engine advertising
A form of Pay per click advertising where the prospective customer types in specific keywords in the search of a product or service and the advertisement relevant to those keywords is visible on the search engine results page. Here the advertiser will only pay when the prospective customer clicks on the displayed advertisement. This method is a feasible way to compete with big companies offering the same service in the local market.
Display Advertising
It gives the prospective customer greater insight into what you have to offer as the advertisement contains visual, audio and video elements. You can use logos, animations, videos and photographs which will also give the potential customer some visual relief from just a textual advertising message and pique their interest in what you have to say.

How email Re-Marketing Works
These strategies may be sufficient to drive traffic to your website, but not enough to subject it to desired customer behavior. There are customers who will visit your website, but leave without taking any further course of action. This is where Email Re-Marketing comes in, a form of Display Advertising. Make a list of customers who actively engage with your website almost making a purchase, and send a follow up email to them reminding them of your website, and to complete the purchase. Also, you can show ads to them based on their interests over the web depending on the customer's activities across your site.Display Keywords
Another form of Display Advertising will consist of you listing down all the keywords related to your business and Google will show your ads on sites that will be relevant to the chosen keywords. This is a more reliable method to reach out to your target market effectively.

Moreover, Facebook allows you to promote your business to specific audiences, gathering quick responses from them. Increasing the number of likes and shares by people and generating a greater community. This also increases traffic to your website.
SMS Marketing
It is a direct form of marketing communication with customers who are or may be interested in your business. It is essential to get the customer's permission before sending a message, you should remember that they may at any time choose to unsubscribe from getting your messages. Which is why it is essential to follow a few guidelines while using this form of communication. Do not bombard your customers with messages. The messaging should be infrequent and not more than twice a month. They should either remind customers of appointments, service dates or announce premium notices.
These digital marketing strategies will not only help you boost but also sustain your clientele in the long run, without burning a hole in your pocket.